EVOG EV Charging Tower

전기차 충전용 주차타워

충전기와 주차면 부족을 동시에 해결

다중회전 구조인 수직 순환식 팔레트로

무중단 고전류 개별 공급 해결



Exclusive procurement and market supply

with sole patent holder


Difficult for competitors to avoid patent infringement due to a comprehensive combination patent


Solving parking complaints due to the expansion

of Electric Vehicles.


Flexible Acquisition of Space allocation

(3 times more parking and charging station)


Available for supply to all platform operators.

EVOG EV Charging Tower

전기차 충전용 주차타워

충전기와 주차면 부족을 동시에 해결

다중회전 구조인 수직 순환식 팔레트로

무중단 고전류 개별 공급 해결



Exclusive procurement and market supply with sole patent holder


Difficult for competitors to avoid patent infringement due to a comprehensive combination patent


Solving parking complaints due to the expansion of Electric Vehicles.


Flexible Acquisition of Space allocation (3 times more parking and charging station)


Available for supply to all platform operators.

How to use.

Combination of automated parking system and charging stations + Simultaneously solving 'charger' and 'parking space' shortages

Integrated parking control and charging fee billing, customized supply for each charging operator through integrated firmware installation

Transmission and Distribution Structure (Patent Registered 10-2539510)

Increased Space Efficiency Relative to Area, Flexible Allocation of Charging Spaces Compared to Total Area

(3 Times More Parking and Charging Spaces)

Compatible with Both Regular and Fast Charging Models

Integrated Management through Monitoring

No additional excavation required"

Support for OCPP 1.6

Prepared for V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) Connection

Acquisition Certification (In Progress)

KS C IEC 60060-1, KS C IEC 60359, KS C IEC 60664-1, KS C IEC 60736,

KS C 9610-4-3 전자파적합성(EMC), KS C 9610-4-4, KS C IEC 61439-1,

KS C 0501

KS R IEC 61851-1, KS C IEC 62893-3

주소: 경기도 부천시 양지로 237(옥길동), 광양프런티어밸리5차 724호

상호: 주식회사 이보그  |  이메일: dwjung@com-pass.co.kr

사업자 등록번호 : 135-88-02447  |  대표이사(CEO): 강병규

Copyright 2023 @ Evog Inc. All rights reserved

How to use.

Combination of automated parking system and charging stations + Simultaneously solving 'charger' and 'parking space' shortages

Integrated parking control and charging fee billing, customized supply for each charging operator through integrated firmware installation

Transmission and Distribution Structure (Patent Registered 10-2539510)

Increased Space Efficiency Relative to Area, Flexible Allocation of Charging Spaces Compared to Total Area

(3 Times More Parking and Charging Spaces)

Compatible with Both Regular and Fast Charging Models

Integrated Management through Monitoring

No additional excavation required"

Support for OCPP 1.6

Prepared for V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) Connection

Acquisition Certification (In Progress)

KS C IEC 60060-1, KS C IEC 60359, KS C IEC 60664-1, KS C IEC 60736,

KS C 9610-4-3 전자파적합성(EMC), KS C 9610-4-4, KS C IEC 61439-1, KS C 0501

KS R IEC 61851-1, KS C IEC 62893-3

주소: 경기도 부천시 양지로 237(옥길동), 광양프런티어밸리5차 724호

상호: 주식회사 이보그  |  이메일:

사업자 등록번호: 135-88-02447

대표이사(CEO): 강병규

Copyright 2023 © Evog Inc. All rights reserved